to cause a tiger
dream tigers
Book Club - New, classic, translated, and buried literary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Food. Drink.
Next Meeting - March 21, 2020 - Girl, Woman, Other, by Bernardine Evaristo
Email Tara Orzolek for details
Donations accepted
A Room of One’s Own - Are you in need (desperate need) of some time and space to work on your creative work? Rent the studio for yourself and dive in! Spacious, bright, with the soft sound of the falls. Stocked fridge, wifi, coffee, tea. Open 24 hours.
$100 per weekend or by arrangement
Email Maria Williams
Writing Time - Quiet, focused writing time in company with other writers. Bring a laptop and something to work on. Tea and snacks provided.
Fridays 11-2.
Donations accepted
Closer - A Reading & Art Series
february 1 - Arda Collins & Megan Marden - 7:30pm
To Cause A Tiger is series of literary events, workshops, and readings held at 1 Cottage Street, Studio 3-21, Easthampton, MA open to the community.
Now accepting proposals for workshops and other events led by seasoned writers, teachers, and like-minded spirits. If you’d like to teach or spearhead an event or activity, email Maria.
Every little bit helps. DONATE HERE.